Versatile Blogger Award

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Last week I had the honour of being nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award by the lovely gentlemen of Attire Club.
Needless to say, I’m beyond excited about this as it’s always nice when someone finds your blog interesting and enjoyable:)
If you aren’t familiar with their blog, I highly suggest checking them out. Fraquoh and Franchomme of Attire Club created an amazing blog which focuses primarily on men’s style, fashion and lifestyle.
The Versatile Blogger Award is passed on from one blogger to another to help spread the word about the wonderful community of blogs.
Now, the rules state to accept the award I must thank the blogger who nominated me.   So once again, thank you Attire Club!
Next, I have to select 15 blogs I’ve recently discovered and follow.
  1.  Winnipeg Style
  2. Winston and Willow
  3. Style Me Yesterday
  4. FashionEdible
  5. Kafkaesque
  6. Style On The Side
  7. Kenya L Fashion Blog
  8. Julia Linn
  9. Young Love
  10. Find Me A Muse
  11. Awed by Monica
  12. Jezz Dallas
  13. Prim and Propah
  14. Vogue and Heels
  15. Très Charmant
Finally, I must tell them seven things about myself.  So, here goes:
  1. I have an irrational fear of spiders…the bigger they are, the crazier I react. I once used a whole can of spider spray to kill ONE spider. Like I said, irrational:)
  2. I’m one of those weird people who cannot have their food touching on a plate. Yes, I know they eventually get up mixed in my stomach but that doesn’t matter to my mind.
  3. I’m a shoe-oholic. And I’m okay with it:)
  4. I sometimes wear mens cologne. Why? Hmm, because some of them smell unisex to me:) Just smell Spicebomb by Viktor & Rolf…Trust me, a women can get away with it. Or at least I think I can.
  5. I have a dry sense of humour.
  6. I’m obsessive about my skin care routine.
  7. Can’t live without natural peanut butter. I eat it daily even if it’s just a spoonful.

Thanks again guys!


xo, Jackie

23 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award

  1. First, a huge well-deserved BRAVO to you!! I love your blog so much, even if you do give me wardrobe envy. 😉 Second, thank you so much for nominating me. I’ve truly touched. I will pay it forward, my dear. Thank you VERY much!

    • Thank you so much for the kind words:) I love your blog! You really have opened my eyes to a whole new world of perfumes…and just so know, you give me perfume envy!!

  2. Congratulations Jackie! You know I love your blog, your style, and your shoes! Much deserved and thanks for nominating me as well!!!

    xo, Kenya

  3. Hello Jackie, First of all thank you for visiting my blog and for the sweet thoughts. Congrats in your nominations. I like this kinda stuff because you get to know a blogger more from what a blogger share. Ok like you I am a shoe-aholic too ! Hope we stay in touch.


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